Checklist of strength training exercises by muscle group
Sports are essential in the context of gaining muscle mass. Are you advanced in bodybuilding? It is therefore certain that your experience will make you understand how to optimize your mass gain process.
Note, however, that for rapid and healthy mass gain, you should not work all muscle groups during a weight training session. Each session must consist of different bodybuilding exercises. If you are new to bodybuilding, then you can start with the right basics. Overview of muscle groups with strength training exercises.
The biceps: to work with different flexions
Your first day of training (Monday) can consist of working the biceps. Dumbbell squats are the best move for toning this muscle group. You can bet on the squat exercises below during a session.
Squatting with a barbell set
This is the most classic and well-known exercise in bodybuilding. It is very boring. But its efficiency is impressive. If you are a beginner, do only two sets of squats with the barbell set, each of which constitutes 4 repetitions. As you progress, you can do more than two sets. After each series, one minute of recovery is necessary.
Hammer grip curl flexion
This is an isolation exercise. With this type of squat, you take the dumbbell in a hammer grip. The exercise can be performed in a sitting position and in a standing position. If you practice it in a seated position, you alternate between your two hands. Hold your back straight and bend your legs. You practice with one of your hands, putting it on your knee. Then, you do with the other hand in the same way. In a standing position, the ideal is to perform the flexion using both hands, with two dumbbells.
The high pulley flexion curl
Of course, you have to use two pulleys with this kind of bending. These are less heavy than dumbbells. This pulley curl is great for toning your biceps. Stand up straight. Close both handles in your palms. In a way, make your body a T-shape. You have to flex your two hands towards your two temples. From your first session of biceps exercise, do only two sets with each set constituting six repetitions.
The triceps: 3 exercises to strengthen this muscle group
You may do the biceps exercise. You need a recovery day. It is the third day (Wednesday) that you need to perform the triceps exercise. You can use the three kinds of triceps exercises explained below.
The vertical extension
Also known as the "neck extension", the vertical extension allows you to strengthen the long head of your triceps. With this exercise, you need a chair and a dumbbell. Sit on your chair, take your dumbbell by one of your hands. Throw your dumbbell behind your head by bending your arm. Do 5 repetitions with one of your hands, then take a minute of rest. Once that's done, repeat 5 more repetitions with the other hand.
Dips, the best multi-joint exercise
There are several accessories with which you can practice dips. To simplify this movement, you can use a chair. Put your palms on the chair and your feet on the floor. Then, do 5 flexions-extensions and recover for thirty seconds. Finally, perform 5 more reps. After two weeks, use two chairs. You do the same as with the single chair, but with both chairs, you just have to put your feet on the second chair.
Diamond push-ups or triangle push-ups
Without exaggerating words, diamond pushups are among the best triceps exercises. They are very easy to perform. To put it simply, take the position as if you were doing classic push-ups. But with diamond push-ups, you want your hands to be level with your chest. Proceed to the flexion-extension, so that your arms give a triangle shape. One breath is useful to you during the exercise. When you flex your arm, you inhale. And when you tense, you exhale.
The abdominals: the 3 exercises to strengthen the abs
It is impossible that a weight training program does not contain abs exercises. To get straight to the point, on the fifth day (Friday), you can chain the three exercises below.
The standing crunch
When it comes to abs, the crunch is the first workout that should come to mind. The classic crunch is the one you need to tone your belly. But there is a variant that is both easy to perform and very effective in strengthening your abdominal muscles: the standing crunch. The latter consists only of doing the same thing as in classic crunch but only in a standing position. You put your hands behind your head. Then proceed to the flexion-extension of your legs, one after the other.
The side board
It is certain that you know what a plank is in bodybuilding. What we are offering you this time is the side plank, a variation of the classic plank. Get down on the floor. Lean on one of your elbows, so that your back is straight and your legs are aligned with your ribs. You only have to hold this position for one minute. Stand in a standing position, then return to the starting position.
The bike with extended legs
Lie down on the floor, on a sports mat. Place your hands behind your head. Lift your legs. Once done, hold this position for 5 seconds. Then, ride the bike, so that you bend and extend your two legs alternately, one after the other. After three minutes of training, recover for 40 seconds. Finally, do another three-minute cycle session.
Buttocks and thighs: exercises to tone them
If the upper body displays shapely muscles, so should the lower limbs. Thighs and buttocks, there are specific exercises to strengthen them. Below are exposed some perfect exercises for the buttocks and thighs.
Jumping rope
An exercise called plyometric, jumping rope is easy to practice, but it proves its worth when it comes to strengthening the buttocks and thighs. There are several variations of jump rope . But classic rope jumping can be enough to strengthen these muscle groups. Every morning, practice on the jump rope. 10 minutes of training can allow you to make your thighs and buttocks shapely.
You may not have suspected that swimming is an ideal sport for firming up your buttocks and thighs. You can bet on classic swimming, swimming which everyone is able to do. However, if you are looking to indulge in a pleasant swimming session, you are able to proceed with its variations: the freestyle kick, the water jog, the dolphin kick, the breaststroke kick, the ktread style, etc.
The squat jump
There are several kinds of squats. The normal squat, you know how to do it. But as part of a butt and thigh workout, it is ideal that you perform the squat jump. With your back straight, stand upright. Throw your hands to the sky while jumping. You can practice two squat jump sessions divided into two, each session of which must last 5 minutes.
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